John Carlson
2015-04-27 01:08:11 UTC
Seems like we need to take "What you do is what you get" from testing and
robotics and apply it to networking and user interfaces. We've seen Bret
Victor's work. We've seen Rational Functional Tester. We've seen
Pro/Intralink. When do we get this functionality in hardware and
foundational systems? Why do we have to keep "adding-on" when it should be
foundational? Or is it really an add-on?
robotics and apply it to networking and user interfaces. We've seen Bret
Victor's work. We've seen Rational Functional Tester. We've seen
Pro/Intralink. When do we get this functionality in hardware and
foundational systems? Why do we have to keep "adding-on" when it should be
foundational? Or is it really an add-on?