Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
2016-05-11 10:14:01 UTC
FAS*W 2016 (SASO and ICCAC)
Joint Call For Workshop Papers
International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self-* Systems (FAS*W)
Augsburg, Germany, September 12 & 16, 2016
Workshops at FAS*:
DSPL: 9th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines. Variability at Runtime
SASO^ST: 4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems
AMGCC'16: 4th International Workshop on Autonomic Management of high performance Grid and Cloud Computing
QA4SASO: 3rd Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems
DSS: The 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
SOCO: 1st International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction
eCAS: 1st eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems
ISCW: 1st International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things
Submission deadline for all workshops: July 4, 2016
9th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines. Variability at Runtime (DSPL)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jesper Andersson, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Rafael Capilla, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
* Holger Eichelberger, University of Hildesheim, Germany
The concept of adaptation and self-adaptation of systems, in particular at runtime has caught the attention of the research community at large, both inside the domain of Software Product Lines (SPL) as well as outside SPL in areas like models-at-runtime, selfadaptive systems, ubiquitous computing, and specific application domains where runtime adaptation and post-deployment activities are required. Dynamic software product lines (DSPL) were established as a research area under the assumption that product line concepts can be very usefully applied in this context. Since its inception the DSPL-workshop addresses the mission of supporting adaptive and adaptable system development based on product line concepts. The lack of maturity and consolidation of DSPL approaches stills needs significant research effort to advance the state of the art. Our focus is to extend the community of researchers and to provide a forum for the discussion of current research on related topics.
4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems (SASO^ST)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Gerrit Anders, University of Augsburg
* Jean Botev, University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, Computer Science and Communications Research Unit
* Markus Esch, Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE
The design and operation of computer systems has traditionally been driven by technical aspects and considerations. However, the usage characteristics of information and communication systems are both implicitly and explicitly determined by social interaction and the social graph of users. This aspect is becoming more and more evident with the increasing popularity of social network applications on the internet. This workshop will address all aspects of self-adaptive and self-organising mechanisms in socio-technical systems, covering different perspectives of this exciting research area ranging from normative and trust management systems to socio-inspired design strategies for distributed algorithms, collaboration platforms and communication protocols.
4th International Workshop on Autonomic Management of high performance Grid and Cloud Computing (AMGCC'16)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jaeyoung Choi, Soongsil University, Korea
* Soonwook Hwang, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
Grid computing leverages enormous computing resources scattered over the internet in order to integrate and form a large-scale computing platform to solve grand-scale problems. Grid computing also has had great influence on the cloud computing besides the virtualization technology, which logically decouples the physical computing resources with the computing system. Consequently, the cloud computing provides cost-effective, fast, and unlimited virtualized resources for large-scale applications. Cloud computing is also used as "utility computing" where the computing services are provided on-demand and as needs based. Thus, it is commonly deployed for various applications these days.
Managing hybrid, virtualized computing resources in a large-scale cloud computing environments, however, still leaves a lot of research to be conducted. Furthermore, autonomous managements of resources in such a large scale federated hybrid computing infrastructures are crucial. In this workshop, we would like to bring researcher around the world to discuss and communicate the challenges and research results in the design, implementation, and evaluation of novel autonomous hybrid cloud resource management systems, and the theory and practice of cloud and grid resource management.
Third Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems (QA4SASO)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Benedikt Eberhardinger, Augsburg University, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
* Franz Wotawa, Technical University of Graz, Austria, Institute for Software Technology
* Hella Seebach, Augsburg University, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Developing self-adaptive, self-organising systems (SASO) that fulfil the requirements of different stakeholders is no simple matter. Quality assurance is required at each phase of the entire development process, starting from requirements elicitation, system architecture design, agent design, and finally in the implementation of the system. The quality of the artefacts from each development phase affects the
rest of the system, since all parts are closely related to each other. Furthermore, the shift of adaption decisions from design-time to run-time -- necessitated by the need of the systems to adapt to changing circumstances -- makes it difficult, but even more essential, to assure high quality standards in these kind of systems. Accordingly, the analysis and evaluation of these self-* systems has to take into account the specific operational context to achieve high quality standards. The necessity to investigate this field has already been recognized and addressed in different communities but there exists so far no platform to bring all these communities together. Therefore,
the workshop provides within its third edition an established open stage for discussions about the different aspects of quality assurance for self-adaptive, self-organising systems.
The 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Evangelos Pournaras, ETH Zurich
* Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N., Delft University of Technology
* Nik Bessis, Edge Hill University Ormskirk/UK
The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies together with social media has resulted in unprecedented opportunities to reason about the complexity of our society based on magnitudes of data. Embedded ICT technologies mandate the functionality and operations of several techno-socio-economic systems such as traffic systems, transportation systems, Smart Grids, power/gas/water networks, etc. It is estimated that over 50 billion connected smart devices will be online by the year 2020. Moreover, social media provide invaluable insights about the complexity of social interactions and how these interactions influence the sustainability of several ICT-enabled techno-socio-economic systems. These observations show that regulating online the complex systems of our nowadays digital society is a grand challenge. Regulation concerns trade-offs such as the alignment of technical requirements, e.g. robustness, fault-tolerance, safety and security, with social or environmental requirements, for instance, fairness in the utilization of energy resources. The scale of nowadays data cannot tackle the challenge by itself as data may convey ungrounded correlations and biased predictions. Smart, autonomic and selfregulating mechanisms are required for filtering data streams in real-time and transform them to valuable information based on which intelligent adaptive decisions can be made in a decentralized fashion under a plethora of operational scenarios.
1st International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction (SOCO)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Sebastian von Mammen, University of Augsburg
* Ingo Mauser, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Heiko Hamann, University of Paderborn
Our key theme is self-organising construction and we aim at cumulating, presenting, discussing and advancing new research results from theory and practice as well as novel scientific concepts and methodologies. Originally inspired by nest construction in social insects, the general concept relies on a large number of agents that coordinate their construction efforts by prompting and reacting to local stimuli. Very recently, with the wake of robotic swarms and novel material processing approaches, including for instance 3D printing techniques and innovative deployment of carbon fibres, self-organising construction is quickly gaining tremendous transformative significance in the context of various design and construction processes. These include also the construction, extension and renovation of architectural buildings, engineering design, industrial assembly and manufacture, and landscape architecture. Aligned with the host conference, we solicit for submissions that highlight the design and management of selforganising construction from a computational perspective.
1st eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (eCAS)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jacob Beal, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
* Nicola Capodieci, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS) is a broad term that describes large scale systems that comprise of many units/nodes, each of which may have their own individual properties, objectives and actions. Decision-making in such a system is distributed and possibly highly dispersed, and interaction between the units may lead to the emergence of unexpected phenomena. CASs are open, in that nodes may enter or leave the collective at any time, and boundaries between CASs are fluid. The units can be highly heterogeneous (computers, robots, agents, devices, biological entities, etc.), each operating at different temporal and spatial scales, and having different (potentially conflicting) objectives and goals, even if often the system has a global goal that is pursued by means of collective actions. Our society increasingly depends on such systems, in which collections of heterogeneous 'technological nodes' are tightly entangled with human and social structures to form 'artificial societies.' Yet, to properly exploit them, we need to develop a deeper scientific understanding of the principles by which they operate, in order to better design them. This workshop solicits papers that address new methodologies, theories and principles that can be used in order to develop a better understanding of the fundamental factors underpinning the engineering and operation of such systems, so that we can better design, build, and analyse such systems.
1st International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things (ISCW)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnati, USA
* B. B. Gupta, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
* Yaser Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan.
ISCW-2016 is the first International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things. The aim of ISCW-2015 is to provide a premier international platform for wide range of professions including scholars, researchers, academicians and Industry people to discuss and present the most recent security and privacy challenges and developments in 'Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things' from the perspective of providing security awareness and its best practices for the real world. This conference is open to submit novel and high quality research contributions in the field of information security and privacy. We anticipate that this conference will open new entrance for further research and technology improvements in this important area.
FAS*W 2016 (SASO and ICCAC)
Joint Call For Workshop Papers
International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self-* Systems (FAS*W)
Augsburg, Germany, September 12 & 16, 2016
Workshops at FAS*:
DSPL: 9th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines. Variability at Runtime
SASO^ST: 4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems
AMGCC'16: 4th International Workshop on Autonomic Management of high performance Grid and Cloud Computing
QA4SASO: 3rd Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems
DSS: The 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
SOCO: 1st International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction
eCAS: 1st eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems
ISCW: 1st International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things
Submission deadline for all workshops: July 4, 2016
9th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines. Variability at Runtime (DSPL)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jesper Andersson, Linnaeus University, Sweden
* Rafael Capilla, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
* Holger Eichelberger, University of Hildesheim, Germany
The concept of adaptation and self-adaptation of systems, in particular at runtime has caught the attention of the research community at large, both inside the domain of Software Product Lines (SPL) as well as outside SPL in areas like models-at-runtime, selfadaptive systems, ubiquitous computing, and specific application domains where runtime adaptation and post-deployment activities are required. Dynamic software product lines (DSPL) were established as a research area under the assumption that product line concepts can be very usefully applied in this context. Since its inception the DSPL-workshop addresses the mission of supporting adaptive and adaptable system development based on product line concepts. The lack of maturity and consolidation of DSPL approaches stills needs significant research effort to advance the state of the art. Our focus is to extend the community of researchers and to provide a forum for the discussion of current research on related topics.
4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems (SASO^ST)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Gerrit Anders, University of Augsburg
* Jean Botev, University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, Computer Science and Communications Research Unit
* Markus Esch, Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE
The design and operation of computer systems has traditionally been driven by technical aspects and considerations. However, the usage characteristics of information and communication systems are both implicitly and explicitly determined by social interaction and the social graph of users. This aspect is becoming more and more evident with the increasing popularity of social network applications on the internet. This workshop will address all aspects of self-adaptive and self-organising mechanisms in socio-technical systems, covering different perspectives of this exciting research area ranging from normative and trust management systems to socio-inspired design strategies for distributed algorithms, collaboration platforms and communication protocols.
4th International Workshop on Autonomic Management of high performance Grid and Cloud Computing (AMGCC'16)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jaeyoung Choi, Soongsil University, Korea
* Soonwook Hwang, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
Grid computing leverages enormous computing resources scattered over the internet in order to integrate and form a large-scale computing platform to solve grand-scale problems. Grid computing also has had great influence on the cloud computing besides the virtualization technology, which logically decouples the physical computing resources with the computing system. Consequently, the cloud computing provides cost-effective, fast, and unlimited virtualized resources for large-scale applications. Cloud computing is also used as "utility computing" where the computing services are provided on-demand and as needs based. Thus, it is commonly deployed for various applications these days.
Managing hybrid, virtualized computing resources in a large-scale cloud computing environments, however, still leaves a lot of research to be conducted. Furthermore, autonomous managements of resources in such a large scale federated hybrid computing infrastructures are crucial. In this workshop, we would like to bring researcher around the world to discuss and communicate the challenges and research results in the design, implementation, and evaluation of novel autonomous hybrid cloud resource management systems, and the theory and practice of cloud and grid resource management.
Third Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems (QA4SASO)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Benedikt Eberhardinger, Augsburg University, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
* Franz Wotawa, Technical University of Graz, Austria, Institute for Software Technology
* Hella Seebach, Augsburg University, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Developing self-adaptive, self-organising systems (SASO) that fulfil the requirements of different stakeholders is no simple matter. Quality assurance is required at each phase of the entire development process, starting from requirements elicitation, system architecture design, agent design, and finally in the implementation of the system. The quality of the artefacts from each development phase affects the
rest of the system, since all parts are closely related to each other. Furthermore, the shift of adaption decisions from design-time to run-time -- necessitated by the need of the systems to adapt to changing circumstances -- makes it difficult, but even more essential, to assure high quality standards in these kind of systems. Accordingly, the analysis and evaluation of these self-* systems has to take into account the specific operational context to achieve high quality standards. The necessity to investigate this field has already been recognized and addressed in different communities but there exists so far no platform to bring all these communities together. Therefore,
the workshop provides within its third edition an established open stage for discussions about the different aspects of quality assurance for self-adaptive, self-organising systems.
The 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Evangelos Pournaras, ETH Zurich
* Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N., Delft University of Technology
* Nik Bessis, Edge Hill University Ormskirk/UK
The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies together with social media has resulted in unprecedented opportunities to reason about the complexity of our society based on magnitudes of data. Embedded ICT technologies mandate the functionality and operations of several techno-socio-economic systems such as traffic systems, transportation systems, Smart Grids, power/gas/water networks, etc. It is estimated that over 50 billion connected smart devices will be online by the year 2020. Moreover, social media provide invaluable insights about the complexity of social interactions and how these interactions influence the sustainability of several ICT-enabled techno-socio-economic systems. These observations show that regulating online the complex systems of our nowadays digital society is a grand challenge. Regulation concerns trade-offs such as the alignment of technical requirements, e.g. robustness, fault-tolerance, safety and security, with social or environmental requirements, for instance, fairness in the utilization of energy resources. The scale of nowadays data cannot tackle the challenge by itself as data may convey ungrounded correlations and biased predictions. Smart, autonomic and selfregulating mechanisms are required for filtering data streams in real-time and transform them to valuable information based on which intelligent adaptive decisions can be made in a decentralized fashion under a plethora of operational scenarios.
1st International Workshop on Self-Organising Construction (SOCO)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Sebastian von Mammen, University of Augsburg
* Ingo Mauser, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Heiko Hamann, University of Paderborn
Our key theme is self-organising construction and we aim at cumulating, presenting, discussing and advancing new research results from theory and practice as well as novel scientific concepts and methodologies. Originally inspired by nest construction in social insects, the general concept relies on a large number of agents that coordinate their construction efforts by prompting and reacting to local stimuli. Very recently, with the wake of robotic swarms and novel material processing approaches, including for instance 3D printing techniques and innovative deployment of carbon fibres, self-organising construction is quickly gaining tremendous transformative significance in the context of various design and construction processes. These include also the construction, extension and renovation of architectural buildings, engineering design, industrial assembly and manufacture, and landscape architecture. Aligned with the host conference, we solicit for submissions that highlight the design and management of selforganising construction from a computational perspective.
1st eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (eCAS)
Monday 12th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Jacob Beal, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
* Nicola Capodieci, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS) is a broad term that describes large scale systems that comprise of many units/nodes, each of which may have their own individual properties, objectives and actions. Decision-making in such a system is distributed and possibly highly dispersed, and interaction between the units may lead to the emergence of unexpected phenomena. CASs are open, in that nodes may enter or leave the collective at any time, and boundaries between CASs are fluid. The units can be highly heterogeneous (computers, robots, agents, devices, biological entities, etc.), each operating at different temporal and spatial scales, and having different (potentially conflicting) objectives and goals, even if often the system has a global goal that is pursued by means of collective actions. Our society increasingly depends on such systems, in which collections of heterogeneous 'technological nodes' are tightly entangled with human and social structures to form 'artificial societies.' Yet, to properly exploit them, we need to develop a deeper scientific understanding of the principles by which they operate, in order to better design them. This workshop solicits papers that address new methodologies, theories and principles that can be used in order to develop a better understanding of the fundamental factors underpinning the engineering and operation of such systems, so that we can better design, build, and analyse such systems.
1st International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things (ISCW)
Friday 16th September 2016
Scientific Organizers
* Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnati, USA
* B. B. Gupta, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
* Yaser Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan.
ISCW-2016 is the first International Workshop on Information Security and Privacy for Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things. The aim of ISCW-2015 is to provide a premier international platform for wide range of professions including scholars, researchers, academicians and Industry people to discuss and present the most recent security and privacy challenges and developments in 'Mobile Cloud Computing, Web and Internet of Things' from the perspective of providing security awareness and its best practices for the real world. This conference is open to submit novel and high quality research contributions in the field of information security and privacy. We anticipate that this conference will open new entrance for further research and technology improvements in this important area.