[Fonc] Last Mile: SASO 2016 -- 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
2016-04-15 08:37:20 UTC

Tenth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
(SASO 2016)

and co-located events

Augsburg, Germany; 12-16 September 2016

Part of FAS* - Foundation and Applications of Self* Computing Conferences
Co-located with:
The International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2016)

Call for Papers: https://saso2016.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/call_for_papers.html
Call for Posters and Demos: https://saso2016.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/call_for_posters_and_demos.html
Call for Doctoral Symposium: https://saso2016.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/call_for_ds.html

Important Dates

Main Conference Abstract submission: May 2, 2016
Main Conference Paper submission: May 9, 2016
Main Conference Notification: June 23, 2016

Poster and Demo Submission deadline: June 10, 2016
Poster and Demo Notification: July 8, 2016

Doctoral Symposium Abstract Submission due: May 29, 2016
Doctoral Symposium Paper Submission due: June 12, 2016
Doctoral Symposium Notifications due: July 10, 2016

Conference: September 12-16, 2016

Call for Papers


The aim of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing systems conference series (SASO) is to provide a forum for the foundations of a principled approach to engineering systems, networks, and services based on self-adaptation and self-organization. The complexity of current and emerging networks, software, and services, especially when dealing with dynamics in the environment and problem domain, has led the software engineering, distributed systems, and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and managing such computing systems. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated approaches. They form the basis for many other self-* properties, such as self-configuration, self-healing, or self-optimization. Systems exhibiting such properties are often referred to as self-* systems.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Systems theory: theoretical frameworks and models; biologically- and socially-inspired paradigms; inter-operation of self-* mechanisms;
- Systems techniques: techniques to specify and analyze self-* systems, like statistical physics, machine learning, multi-agent systems, or other novel techniques;
- Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms, design patterns, architectures, methodologies; software and middleware development frameworks and methods, platforms
and toolkits; hardware; self-* materials; governance of self-* systems, emergent behavior in self-* systems;
- System properties: robustness, resilience, and stability; emergence; computational awareness and self-awareness; reflection; anti-fragility;
- Cyber-physical and socio-technical systems: human factors and visualization; self-* social computers; crowdsourcing and collective awareness; human-in-the-loop;
- Data-driven approaches: data mining; machine learning; data science and other statistical techniques to analyze, understand, and manage behavior of complex systems;
- Education: experience reports; curricula; innovative course concepts; methodological aspects of self-* systems education;
- Ethics and Humanities in self-* systems;
- Applications and experiences with self-* systems in any of the following domains:
+ Smart-*: application of self-* principles to smart-grids, smart-cities, smart-environments, smart-vehicles
+ Industrial automation: embedded self-* systems, adaptive industrial plants, smart industries (Industry 4.0)
+ Transportation: autonomous vehicles, coordination between vehicles, pedestrians, and infrastructure, and traffic optimization
+ Unmanned systems: aerial vehicles, undersea vehicles, other robotic platforms
+ Internet of Things: challenges, applications, and benefits; self-* for network management, self-* applied to Cybersecurity

Call for Posters and Demos


The tenth SASO conference continues its tradition of offering poster and demo sessions, which are a great opportunity for an interactive presentation of emerging ideas, late-breaking results, experiences, and challenges on SASO topics. These sessions are informal and highly interactive, and allow authors and participants to engage in in-depth discussions about the presented work from which new collaborations, ideas, and solutions can emerge.

Posters should cover the same key areas as Research Papers and present original, cutting-edge ideas inclusive of speculative/provocative ones. Proposals of new research directions and innovative interdisciplinary approaches are also welcome.

Demos may target virtual systems (e.g., software applications), physical systems (e.g., robots or sensor networks), or cyber-physical systems combining the two. Physical systems might be presented either with real equipment, by simulation, or hybrid solutions using both simulations and real platforms. Submissions which highlight the utility and general applicability of the contribution - whether short, medium or long term -- are particularly solicited, and interactivity of a demo is considered a further asset.

Call for Doctoral Symposium


The FAS* Doctoral Symposium provides an international forum for PhD Students working in research areas addressed by FAS*. In this forum, PhD students will get unique opportunities to subject their research to the scrutiny of external experts, gain experience in the presentation of research, connect to peers and experts addressing similar problems, and get advice from a panel of internationally leading researchers.
Different from the technical tracks of the conference, the FAS* Doctoral Symposium focuses on the specific needs of young researchers at the beginning of their career. As such, particular emphasis will be placed on a critical and constructive feedback that shall help participants to successfully conclude their PhD studies.

PhD students working in any area addressed by the FAS* conferences are invited to submit a Doctoral Symposium paper in which they describe the key motivation and objectives of their research project, and reflect on the methodology as well as the current status of their PhD studies.

Conference General Chair

Wolfgang Reif (SASO)
University of Augsburg, DE

Naveen Sharma (ICCAC)
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Program Chairs SASO

Giacomo Cabri,
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT

Gauthier Picard,
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, FR

Niranjan Suri,
Florida Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, FL, USA

Program Chairs ICCAC

Indranil Gupta
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Yixin Diao
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
